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Unit testing suite for Laravel Nova, built to extend PHPUnit


Testing Lenses

To create the testing object for a Nova Lens, add the test trait to your class, and invoke the test method.

class TestClass extends TestCase
    use NovaLensTest;

    public function testNovaLens()
        $lens = $this->novaLens(MyLens::class);

The following assertions can be run on the Nova Lens:

Testing Lens Query

$response = $lens->query(User::class);

Invokes the query method on the lens with the given parameters.



Assert that $element is returned when this lens query is applied



Assert that $element is not returned when this lens query is applied



Assert that a specific number of records are returned when this lens query is applied



Assert that the provided filter values will be applied to this query (ie., the response will be wrapped in $request->withFilters())



Assert that the provided ordering rules will be applied to this query (ie., the response will be wrapped in $request->withOrdering())